Koutougakkou System Mechanics

The system for this game is deliberately light and fast rather than detailed and involved.
Rule One: If all involved are in agreement, there is no need to use the system.

(Caveat: What is agreed must be reasonable, considering system and genre)
Rule Two: All involved should adhere to Wheaton's Law ("Don't be a dick".)

(Caveat: Wheaton's Law Revised, ie your character can be a dick as long you, the player, are not being a dick.)

If tensions arise then everyone should invoke the Modified MST3K Mantra ("It's just a game, I should really just relax.")

Conflict Resolution

If there is a conflict where rules are required; compare relevant stats. There are some bonuses or penalties for Standard Manoeuvres.

If you are against another person, the difficulty is their grade. Otherwise GMs work out the Difficulty. GMs or consenting players may add situational modifiers or complications if needed (these do not stack).
Players use P-S-R, and add +1 to the winner's grade (+0 for a tie).

The winner may elect to go for Double or Nothing. If they win again they add +2, if they tie they are +1 (a normal win), and if they lose they are +0 (a normal tie).
Higher total Succeeds. Success is Yes/No. There are no levels of success.

All failures are a miss, and all misses cause Collateral Damage. Missing with a punch will break a desk or put a hole in a wall. Stuffing up an insult may offend someone else, etc. Normally this is just descriptive and does not directly alter the conflict, but it may complicate things.

Winning four PSR in a row makes the fourth an Over Success; you succeed, but too well, and it causes further complications. (ie your love spell will effect your intended target, but also hits all the other girls in the room.)

It is a turn based system, All actions are mechanically simultaneous. For convenience each turn is broken into three phases:- (1) Foe's intent, (2) Student's intent and (3) Narrate Result. Repeat as needed.

Grade (How good you are at different things)

All Attributes, Skills, Flaws, Spells, etc all use this table. They have a descriptive comment based on value in order to help create story from the grades. Grades are how well you can do. Your actual school grades may be lower if you are not putting in 100%. To accurately represent the over-the-top aspects of the Anime genre the school sets something of an unrealistically high bar on grades. The students stats are given by their grades on their report card.

Core Subjects (Your defaults)

All sutdents use these as defaults for anything not specifically covered by their perks. Subjects are grades on a curve, so that the

Archetype and Type (Who you are)

Characters know the Archetype of others of their own Archetype. That is, all magical Archetypes can sense other magic Archetypes, but not the exact Type. Students can take more than one Archetype and Type for the cost of a Secondary. Also note that some of the Types require a spending secondaries on specific perks (ie vampires and androids must buy the "Unalive" perk).

Perks (What you are really good at)

Students get to pick one Primary perk and three Secondary perks. Each Perk is quite powerful and may include a lot of individual skills and abilities.Students can also get an extra Secondary buy choosing to buy another Flaw. Buying a extra races (if you want to be a cyborg-werewolf or something) costs a secondary each.

Flaws (What you are really bad at)

Students start with one flaw and can choose to buy another to get an extra secondary perk. Each Flaw is quite serious and some are actually a package of lesser flaws mixed together.


All Students start with a determination of 3. Some may buy more.
Determination is how much punishment you can take, whether physical, magical, social, etc. GMs will mark damage on nametags with a letter to indicate its source.
When a Students Determination reaches zero (0) they have given up or been knocked out or similar. They may be left stunned with swirly eyes, run off crying or knocked out of the scene into the sky (The Sub-orbital Knockout). It may be falling unconscious, being transformed by a spell, or huddled in a ball of misery in the kitchen at a party. However it happens, they are effectively out of the game till they recover.
Determination can not go below zero (0). There are no game mechanics for persistent injuries or killing, though as always GMs may apply common sense penalties or consequences to actions.
Students may buy perks which make them more resilient to different types of punishment.
Characters normally start each game with full Determination. GMs may give a minor bonus or penalty in exceptional circumstances.

In Game Recovery

Second wind = By spending a point of Ki a Student can get a second wind. It restores 2 points of determination. It must normally be accompanied by a reason why the Student is driving themselves so hard.
Restore confidence = Spending a few minutes talking with a friend (+1) or boy/girlfriend (+2) for a while can restore social damage. The school councillor can also restore +1, if you trust them.
Magical healing = This can completely restore physical damage.
First aid = By spending a few minutes getting bandaged and treated, you can restore 1 point of physical damage. Going to the school nurse restores 2, but the injury will be reported.


Physical armour comes in two types, "heavy" and "powered". They reduce physical damage by 1 point and 2 points respectively. Heavy armour can absorb 1 point of physical damage from every physical attack. Power-armour can absorb 2 from each attack (making you near-invulnerable).
Some Perks allow similar effects for social damage (Confident) and magical damage (Magic Resistance).


Students can only be killed in exceptional circumstances.


Player characters start with 2 Points of Ki each Game. Characters can take more. Mundane humans have no Ki. NPCs may have Ki. It does not carry over to the next game.
Ki adds +2 to an action or a defence (but not both). It can also be used for a second wind restoration. They do nothing else. You can not spend Ki on others.
If spending Ki is not enough to make a difference, the GM will allow you to keep it.
Spending Ki is visible via your burning eyes, battle aura or similar.

Report card

Your character sheet is your report card. Important stats are reproduced on the back of your nametag.


All Students should give some details on their parents and possible siblings. If you leave it blank, the GMs will give you a family. Usually, the siblings and/or parents are of the same character type as the Student herself (ie if the student is a psychic so are his sisters). Family starts out as cost neutral. For every time they get you into trouble, they will help get you out with some other problem. Some perks and flaws will change this.


Students gain a point of XP per game. XP can be spent to increases subject grades. Phys Ed costs 3 points per level rather than the 1 point per level of the other subjects. Students stats can be improved at the end of each term (3 games). Players can shift Perks and Flaws around without penalty if within the first few games with GM approval. Attendance tracks how many games you have attended. Over time character can grow and change. They can spend attendance to improve Perks or reduce Flaws. Characters do this at the end of each term. In general, a term of attendance is enough to increase the grade of a Secondary from B- to B or from B to B+ or even B+ to A-. Students can also drop one grade by this much to improve another by a similar amount.