Koutougakkou System Tables

Damage to Students

Here are some common threats to students and the respective damage.
1Head kick, Punch in face, Scathing insult, Let down by a friend, Mains power, House fire, Acetylene torch
2Broken arm, Getting shot, Hit by an axe, Dumped by your girlfriend, Boiling oil, Molten metal, Plasma torch.
3Point blank double barrel shotgun blast, Publicly dumped in front of everyone, Industrial powerlines, Blast furnace
4HV Transmission lines, Rocket exhaust, Struck by Lightning, hit by a truck doing 80km/hr, dumped on national TV.
Falling does no damage (anime gravity only seems to work when you are touching the ground... don't think about that too much).
Collisions do about 1 point of damage per 20km/hr.
Note that hit any locations are for descriptive roleplaying purposes only, and do not have mechanical penalties.

Determination of inanimate objects

Sometimes Students might break things.
1Computer, Flagpole, Lamp post, Large Rock, Telephone pole, Pushbike, light furniture, Oak door
2Boulder, Motorbike, Tree, Typical lock, Brick wall
3Car, Helicopter, Light plane, Steel door, Reinforced concrete wall
4Armoured car, Submarine, Truck, Bus, Vault
5Tank, Battleship armour

Standard Manoeuvres

These are extra complications to consider when running the system.
Defensive+1 relevant defence, no attack this round.
Offensive+1 to your melee attack, no defences at all for this round.
Pulling PunchesYou can declare less damage if you like.
Rule of Cool+1 to whatever you are doing. This can be granted by the target or a GM. The GMs guideline for this is does it add to everyone's enjoyment of the game. If yes, you get the bonus, if no, you don't.
Rule of Clever+1 to whatever you are doing. This can be granted by the target or a GM. The GMs guideline for this is does it add to everyone's enjoyment of the game. If yes, you get the bonus, if no, you don't.
Rule of Drama+1 to whatever you are doing. This can be granted by the target or a GM. The GMs guideline for this is does it add to everyone's enjoyment of the game. If yes, you get the bonus, if no, you don't.
Held actionyou sacrifice an action this round to go first next round. Lost if they surprise or distract you this round (normally by beating your Attentiveness grade).
HelpingFriends add +1, girl/boyfriends add +2. Rivals add -1 and Enemies add -2. Rivals cancel friends, Enemies cancel boy/girlfriends These are not cumulative, just add the largest magnitude of bonus. Having 4 friends help is not as good as having a girlfriend's help.
PrepationIf you spent a downtime action preparing a ritual or training to defeat a person or similar, you get +1 to do it. This bonus lasts all game.

Modifiers and Complications

Some conditions effect your grades.
Impossible (NA)You are paralysed, fully entangled, completely tied up, unconscious, sleeping, etc.
Hard (-1)You are surprised, blinded, crippled, grabbed (or grabbing), prone, stunned, slowed, weakened, surrounded, running, handcuffed, concentrating, drunk, exhausted, underwater, etc. Also applies if you are in pitch darkness, attacked from behind, busy climbing, on a tightrope or unicycle, effected by illusions, in a cramped space (like a pipe or drain), trying to hit something tiny (eye, coin, etc), etc.
Normal (0)These grant no bonus or penalty. High ground, being injured, standing in water or on slippery floor, dim lighting, fog, using your off hand, etc.
Easy (+1)your target is car sized or bigger, to notice something obvious (ie see a shiney thing, smell a skunk, hear a grenade or gunshot, etc), etc

Time (How long it lasts, How long it takes)

To keep things simple time is divided into different scales.
Mult Name Description
x1 Instant These are instantaneous effects. They apply once and only once.
x2 Scene These effects last till the end of the scene, typically 5-10 minutes.
x3 Game These effects last all day (or all night).
x4 Month These effects last a whole month. They can be effectively permenant if constantly maintained.
x5 Permanent These effects last forever without maintenance.

Range (How far distant)

To keep things simple distance is divided into different scales.
Mult Name Description
x1 Self only These effects are only internal to the student.
x2 Melee / Touch This is about a 1.5-2m range, what you can touch or hit with a sword.
x3 Short / Thrown This is about a 15-20m range, what you can hit with a thrown rock or pistol shot.
x4 Long / Sight This is about a 150-200m range, what you can hit with a bow or rifle shot.
x5 Infinite These effects have not maximum range and can affect the target at any distance.

Area (How big an area, how many people affected)

Area is divided into the following sizes.
Mult Name Description
x1 Person This effects one student only.
x2 Room This is about a 10m x 10m Room, like a class room or large bedroom. Up to about 30 people.
x6 School This is about a 1km x 1km building, beyond the school or a city block. Up to about 30,000 people
x10 City This is about a 100km x 100km city, like the Greater Tokyo Area. Over 30 million people.
x15 World These effects have no maximum area and affect the entire world and everyone on it.